Image collage of the cover of the Flight School Handbook of Marketing Knowledge

Flight School Handbook
of Marketing Knowledge

If your flight school isn’t getting the calls and leads you need from your website and marketing efforts, then this book is a must read. The Flight School Handbook of Marketing Knowledge is the ultimate guide written for flight school business owners that are looking to double, triple, even 10X their sales in the coming year.

We'll cover the shipping

The Only Book You'll Ever Need for Learning How to Market Your Flight School Online.

If your flight school isn’t getting the calls and leads you need from your website and marketing efforts, then this book is a must read. The Flight School Handbook of Marketing Knowledge is the ultimate guide written for flight school business owners that are looking to double, triple, even 10X their sales in the coming year.

This book is written based on battle tested strategies and the real results of Right Rudder Marketing and flight schools all across the United States. Discover how to implement the Flight School Marketing System in your business.

Dominate the search engine rankings and leave your competition in the dust! (The little-known secrets of ranking on PAGE ONE of Google and other major search engines for the most searched-for keywords in your local market! In fact, with these secrets you can out-market, out-sell and out-profit even companies that are bigger, better established and have a marketing budget that dwarfs yours!)

Reviews on Amazon

What Readers Are Saying About The Book


"Everything You Need to Crush Flight School Marketing"

This book provided everything I needed to get started taking my flight school to the next level. I highly recommend it for anyone seasoned or just starting out. Easy to read book with tactical tips I was able to implement from day one.


"Great resource for flight school owners to become expert marketers"

This book impressed me in the ease at which the marketing process can be systemized into a few key steps. In this industry, we care much more about training pilots than running a business much of the time. That doesn't mean we should be afraid of enrolling more students. I'd highly recommend to anyone looking to start or grow a flight school.


"A Must-Have for Flight Schools."

The book covers a wide range of marketing topics, from social media strategies to SEO optimization. Jedrek's insights are practical and easy to apply, even for those with limited marketing experience. The real-world examples and case studies offer valuable lessons learned from successful flight schools. If you're looking to boost enrollment, increase brand awareness, and improve your flight school's overall marketing efforts, this book is a must-read.

Meet the Author

Behind The Book

Tim Jedrek

I'm on a mission to find 100 flight schools in the world to partner with and double their student body. Everyday, I work with the team at Right Rudder Marketing to implement and execute the latest technical strategies and tactics to move flight school businesses up higher on Google search. Our collective goal is to get those flight schools known to their prospective students.

It is truly awe inspiring to see our flight schools transform their operations into large scalable businesses. I love being a part of that because I know that by growing our flight schools' businesses, it drives more people into aviation and brings more pilots into the industry. And that's what really matters. Having a lasting impact on our students and the future pilots of the world.

What really mattered was not just the website. But instead how the website fit into a marketing plan as a whole. In an effort to grow my clients' businesses, I dived head first into marketing and sales. I attended conferences, read books, took courses to further my skills, and found mentors and coaches to guide me on the path of success. Having mentors and coaches to teach me the secrets of business was the 100LL fuel that I needed to grow my business to where it is today. That being said, that is one of the reasons I wrote this book. I hope that the Flight School Handbook of Marketing Knowledge can be your guide and serve as your coach and mentor to help you grow you flight school and aviation business as well.

Tim Jedrek, author of the Flight School Handbook of Marketing Knowledge

Here’s a Small Taste of the Profit-boosting

Secrets it Reveals:

  • SEO Secrets

    Dominate the search engine rankings and leave your competition in the dust! (The little-known secrets of ranking on PAGE ONE of Google and other major search engines for the most searched-for keywords in your local market! In fact, with these secrets you can out-market, out-sell and out-profit even companies that are bigger, better established and have a marketing budget that dwarfs yours!)

  • Online Marketing

    A step-by-step, do-it-yourself Internet Marketing system you can succeed with on your own that has been used by hundreds of companies similar to yours! (No need to reinvent the wheel when you can “copy” what’s actually working now! Consider this your action plan for creating…A High-Profit, Low-Cost Internet Marketing Strategy That Sends Your Sales to Record Levels!

  • Google Search

    Position your website on Google, Yahoo and Bing to capture the attention of 80% (or more) of consumers searching for flight training related services! (Just this little “tweak” in where your website appears in the major search engines will spike the number of calls you get off the charts!)

  • Paid vs Organic Listings

    The main differences between Paid Listings… Map Listings… and… Organic Listings! (Plus, which of the three is the least important to focus on if you want a surge in lead calls and conversions!)

  • Flight School Keywords

    A list of the most-commonly searched flight school and flight training keywords… AND… how to customize these keywords specific to your geographic area! (No guesswork here. This is a list of actual keywords our extensive research shows people are typing in when looking for 'flight training near me'!)

  • Become Credible

    How to become instantly credible and trustworthy to website visitors! (Get this right and you’ll stand “head and shoulders” ABOVE everyone else. Get it wrong and visitors will click off your website so fast it’ll make your head spin.)

  • Mobile Friendly

    Why it’s critical to set up a “mobile-responsive” rather than a “mobile-friendly” website if you hope to capture maximum market share! (Ignoring this growing trend among consumers is like burning hundred dollar bills on the side of the road! In fact, a recent Google report says 40% of mobile consumers turn to a competitor's website after a bad mobile experience. So you gotta get it right!)

  • Google Maps

    How to Get Your Company Ranked at the TOP of Google Maps in Your Market!(Follow the THREE STEPS I walk you through in the book and you’ll be good to go! Also, make sure to read my special briefing on “Google Maps Optimization” where I go in-depth on this critical subject.)

  • Inbound Links

    Building inbound links to your website strategically that follow Google’s latest standards and best practices to a “T”! (The relevance, quality and quantity of links back to your website is the single biggest “X-Factor” to whether you’ll appear on page one or page ten. In the section on “building authority,” you’ll see exactly how to gather more quality inbound links and citations to your site.)

  • Content Creation

    How to create fresh relevant content consistently to maintain a high ranking! (A great SEO-optimized site with the right title tags and best links can still get ignored… if… new content isn’t being posted on a consistent basis.)

  • Reviews

    Easy way to receive “glowing reviews” from current and past customers… and… set up a system to gather these reviews on an ongoing basis! (You even get a pre-written email to send your existing customers for a quick surge in positive reviews!)

  • Pay-Per-Click Secrets

    Why most contractors fail miserably at pay-per-click advertising and how to make sure your campaigns pay off! (My simple “trick” will keep your cost-per-click down and conversions sky high! Not to mention I give you a 30-page “crash course” on successful pay-per-click advertising that practically guarantees you’ll run profitable PPC ads from day one!)

  • Tracking Return On Investment (ROI)

    How to guarantee the time you spend getting top search rankings and more visitors to your website turns into more calls, more revenue and more bottom line profits you can take to the bank! (What good is doing all this Internet Marketing stuff if it doesn’t pay off, right? I reveal three main tools to help you gauge ROI with ease. This is the ONLY way you’ll know what’s working and what needs tweaking or replacing so you get more “bang” from every dollar you put into marketing!)

Case Studies

Our Flight Schools Get Results

"I think the growth speaks for itself"


Growth under a year


Students on waitlist

Blue Skies Above is a flight school in Lanett, AL just a few miles away from Auburn, AL. Over the past year, they have seen their flight school explode in growth. They expanded their fleet and bought a like-new Cessna 172 to handle the TAA and commercial load and they are on their way to acquiring another plane to add to their fleet just to keep up with the demand.

Read about Blue Skies Above's case study

"They understand aviation and pilots
which is a huge help."


Total Leads



SimpliFly gets flooded with inquiries and phone calls asking about their flight school. They're ranking on the first page of Google Search and Google Maps. They are seeing 10 times the amount of leads coming in since first working with us and managed to increase the average LTV (life time value) of each student customer by narrowing their focus to offer programs solely for career track pilots.

Read about SimpliFly's case study

"Right Rudder Marketing
has been a game changer."


Monthly Leads



Ideal Aviation ranks number one on the first page of Google Search and Google Maps. With their partnership at a local college, they welcomed 9 new students in the Fall 2023 semester to their fixed wing pilot training program generating more than an estimated $90,000 in future revenue for just getting their private done. They now have a waiting list of upcoming student pilots and are always expanding their fleet.

Read about Ideal's case study
Right Rudder Marketing team on the runway

Fly with digital marketing
that know the flight training industry.

We are a team of pilots that know the flight training industry. Because if your marketing team doesn't know what the pilot training experience is like, then how can they be successful for you? See what we're talking about by booking a call now!

The Ultimate Flight School Marketing Checklist

This checklist will help you identify what is missing from your current strategy and what you must focus on next to take your flight school to the next level.