Right Rudder Marketing team on the runway

Case Study

When Blake from SimpliFly gave Right Rudder Marketing a call, they were looking to update their website and get more leads coming into their school to increase their revenue. They had a WordPress website already built out, social media profiles, and a GMB listing, but they weren't seeing much progress in their online rankings.

Online Presence and Authority Take Flight for SimpliFly

Introducing SimpliFly. A flight school in the highly competitive area of Mesa, AZ. They were looking to increase their online presence and get more leads coming into their school to increase their revenue.

We helped SimpliFly 10X the amount of leads coming to their school so they can train more pilots and expand their fleet.

The Problem

With multiple flight schools at their airport competing for prospective students' attention, Blake knew he needed to do something about his digital marketing. They were ranking way below the first page of search and on the Google Map listings they were #14, well below the view so potential customers had difficulty even knowing they existed.

SimpliFly was using a local agency that wasn't specialized for flight schools and aviation businesses. There was a lot of friction in communication as the SimpliFly team had to describe the pilot training process and how aviation works.

They spent a lot of time going back and forth with their previous agency to get things sounding right because the previous agency didn't understand pilots.

Blake from SimpliFly was looking for a team that understood the flight training industry and could help them reach their goals.

Happy visitors at SimpliFly
Happy visitors at SimpliFly

Our Solution

The first thing we did was research the local area and their competition. With so many flight schools in their area, we had to understand what keywords were being searched for and then come up with a strategy to really accelerate their growth.

We created an awesome website for them which really highlighted their main program: accelerated pilot training. We used target keywords in their website and GMB profile to really take things up a notch and we've seen great results.

We also helped them with their social media profiles and created a strategy to get more reviews on Google. We also helped them with their Google My Business listing and got them to the top of the map pack.

Additionally, SimpliFly refined their target audience to only enroll career-track pilots. By restricting admissions to students aiming for professional piloting careers, they increased the Lifetime Value (LTV) of each student. This strategic shift drove their revenue to an estimated $8 million, significantly boosting their profitability while focusing on high-value, dedicated students.

Right rudder marketing has been a huge help and blessing in our business. They made an amazing website for us. They also understand aviation and pilots which is a huge help. If you own a flight school then you definitely need to use Right Rudder Marketing.

Blake from SimpliFly

The Ultimate Flight School Marketing Checklist

This checklist will help you identify what is missing from your current strategy and what you must focus on next to take your flight school to the next level.

Right Rudder Marketing team on the runway

Fly with digital marketing
that know the flight training industry.

We are a team of pilots that know the flight training industry. Because if your marketing team doesn't know what the pilot training experience is like, then how can they be successful for you? See what we're talking about by booking a call now!