FAA Administrator Nominee Removes Himself From Senate Confirmation

FAA Administrator Nominee Removes Himself From Senate Confirmation

Writen by:

Tim Jedrek

Aviation News

Phil Washington was the Biden nominee to become the next FAA Administrator. He faced plenty of scrutiny due to his lack of aviation knowledge. Reuters first reported this development last Saturday and stated that the Senate Commerce Committee last week delayed a vote on his nomination citing outstanding questions by some lawmakers. If you are a pilot, the below video can make you cringe and question how he got there.

Phil Washington got to become the FAA Administrator nominee because he is the CEO of Denver International Airport. He previously was in charge of the LA Metro and has an extensive background in transportation. Although he has great experience in airport operations, to determine, maintain, and improve the regulation for aviation in the United States, it should be necessary to first understand the regulation.

After March 31, 2022, the FAA has gone without a senate confirmed FAA Administrator. Previously Steve Dickson served as the FAA administrator but in February 2022 put in his resignation citing that time spent away from family was the main reason. Currently Steven Nolan serves as the interim FAA Administrator.

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