RRM Announces Partnership with WingsLeasing

RRM Announces Partnership with WingsLeasing

Writen by:

Charles Ferguson

Business News Partners

Right Rudder Marketing is pleased to announce our newest partnership with WingsLeasing!

WingsLeasing has the same mission as RRM: to maximize profits across the board for flight schools in the United States. Taking a modern approach to aircraft leasing, WingsLeasing allows flight schools to access immediate cash infusions for operations through equity provisions. With extra cash, flight schools can turn their focus towards keeping up with waitlists, buying newer aircraft, and hiring more CFIs.

The way it works is WingsLeasing will provide cash and aircraft to your flight school, circumnavigating the traditional red tape associated with doing so through the banking system. You then use these planes as your own—WingsLeasing provides the maintenance! If you have maintenance operations on your airfield and prefer to service the aircraft yourself, WingsLeasing will pay for those service hours.

We at Right Rudder Marketing are excited at the prospect of working hand in hand with another business changing the landscape of flight school revenue capture. Via WingsLeasing and RRM, your flight school can attract more students and have greater bandwidth to train them today!

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