Aviation Business and Flight School Marketing

SEO for Flight Schools

Get Your Flight School to Rank on Top

Increasing Bar Graph with Plane
example of a flight school rannking #1 on Google search

SEO is...

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is the process of getting your website to show up in the Organic (FREE / non sponsored) section of the search engines. There are specific things that you can do both on and off your website to ensure that you show up when someone types β€œFlight School + Your City” into Google, Yahoo or Bing.

In all of our years working with Flight Schools in some of the most competitive markets in the United States, we have developed a proven strategy that consistently gets our clients to the top of the search engines.

On page and off page SEO graphic

The Two SEO Methods Used to Rank Higher

There are two methods used in SEO to get your flight school to rank higher. The first is on page optimization. What this entails is optimizing the code on your website so that search engines understand your page better. In addition to helping search engines understand your page better, Google, Bing, and Yahoo take consideration the user experience of the website.

If your website is loading slow or doesn't fit well in the screens of mobile phones, then your site will rank lower.

Page Speed

Many of you may be asking how to increase page speed. It's helpful to understand how websites generally work that way you can understand how to optimize for page speed. A website, in essence, is a bunch of code sent to your browser. Your browser then interprets the code and then displays a webpage. Just like the Right Rudder Marketing site you are looking at now.

Most marketing agencies and web designers aren't technical. So they rely on editors to generate the code. This may include WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, and GoDaddy. These software packages are like a Boeing manufacturing plant. They're big, take up alot of space, and are designed to build one type of plane. Building a website in this way means that the entire factory or software engine has to be loaded first, then that software has to build the finished product. Metaphors aside, this bloatware is the biggest reason why websites built with a no-code editor are slow.

What Right Rudder Marketing does differently is that we build the website from scratch and code line by line. We only program using the absolute minimum requirements for the code to run which reduces file size and increases page speed.

Right Rudder Marketing Websites load fast and are efficient. They are optimized for mobile and all screen sizes.


When it comes to optimizing your flight school's website for search engines like Google, content creation plays a pivotal role. By developing relevant and informative content that revolves around flight training, you not only provide valuable insights to your audience but also assist search engines in understanding the nature and purpose of your website. This, in turn, enhances your website's chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

By incorporating flight school related keywords and phrases naturally into your website's content, you effectively signal to search engines that your flight school's website is a reliable and authoritative source in the flight training industry. By consistently creating content that aligns with your target audience's interests and search intent, you can establish your flight school as a go-to resource, thereby increasing your website's visibility and credibility.

In addition to optimizing your website's static pages, maintaining an active blog is a powerful strategy to boost your on page SEO efforts. By regularly publishing informative and engaging blog posts on flight training topics, you not only keep your website fresh and up to date but also provide search engines with new content to index. Each blog post becomes an opportunity to incorporate relevant keywords, answer common questions, and provide valuable information to potential and current student pilots.

Incorporate relevant keywords and phrases naturally into your website to become the authoritative source in the flight training industry.

Technical SEO

Technical SEO forms the foundation of a well optimized website, ensuring that search engines can easily crawl, understand, and index your flight school's content. Right Rudder Marketing specializes in implementing robust technical SEO strategies that enhance your website's visibility and improve its overall performance.

This can include title and heading tags which are HTML elements programmed on your website. Title tags are commonly found as the clickable headlines in search engine results. By incorporating relevant keywords into your title tags, we can optimize them for search intent, improving the chances of attracting organic traffic. Similarly, heading tags (H1, H2, etc.) help structure your content, making it more readable for both users and search engines.

Another essential element of technical SEO is the implementation of XML sitemaps and a robots.txt file. These files act as a blueprint of your website, listing all the important pages, URLs, and their hierarchical relationships. By submitting an XML sitemap to search engines, we facilitate their understanding of your website's structure and ensure that no valuable pages are missed during the crawling and indexing process. This enables search engines to efficiently discover and rank your flight school's web pages, resulting in improved visibility and organic traffic.

Correctly programming and optimizing your website helps search engines understand your flight school business better and therefore ranks your website higher.


Off page SEO focuses on building credibility, authority, and visibility through external factors outside of your website.

Link building
Press release and newswire
Directory listings
Social media engagement
SEO is a continuous process that involves consistent outreach to build an authoritative reputation.
off page SEO graphic

Link building

Back links are links on other sites that link to your website. Acquiring high quality, authoritative backlinks from reputable websites enhances your flight school's credibility in the eyes of search engines. Right Rudder Marketing specializes in identifying relevant industry sources, aviation publications, and influential websites to secure valuable backlinks. These backlinks not only drive referral traffic but also signal to search engines that your flight school is a trusted and valuable resource within the flight training community.

Press release and newswire

Press releases also play a crucial role in establishing your flight school as a thought leader and industry expert. By sharing relevant and engaging press releases, we position your flight school as a reliable source of information within the aviation community. This not only boosts your flight school's credibility but also contributes to off page SEO efforts by attracting inbound links from authoritative news websites, driving referral traffic, and improving search engine rankings.

Get your flight school featured on news networks like Fox, Yahoo Finance, or the Associated Press and build authority.

Directory listings

Online directories and review platforms are additional ways we utilize for off page SEO. We optimize your flight school's presence on relevant directories and encourage positive reviews from satisfied students. This enhances your flight school's online reputation and credibility while also driving targeted traffic to your website. We've helped flight schools get listed on AOPA, Garmin, Foreflight, and their airport's or FBO's websites. Other directories include sites like Yelp, Google My Business, and Apple Maps. In addition, we help fix inconsistent name, address, phone number (NAP) on your listings. If your NAP is inconsistent and varied then search engines get confused and it can hurt your SEO.

The more directories your flight school is listed the higher your flight school ranks.

Social media engagement

When it comes to off page SEO, social media engagement is an indispensable component that can significantly boost your flight school's online presence and brand visibility. With billions of active users on various social media platforms, tapping into these channels can yield remarkable results for your flight school's visibility and reputation.

Social media platforms like Facebook and Ingram, with over 3.8 billion active monthly users, offer a vast audience pool to connect with aviation enthusiasts and potential students. By strategically publishing engaging content, sharing informative posts, and fostering meaningful conversations with your student pilot community, we can help establish your flight school as a trusted industry authority while simultaneously expanding your online reach.

Join the leading flight schools that have turned their online presence into predictable revenue

We make your flight school look as good as the planes you fly and help you make more money with ease.

Flight School Owner Calling Right Rudder Marketing

Step 1. Start a conversation with Right Rudder

After understanding your goals and understanding your current situation, we'll develop a marketing plan to help you reach your goals.

Launch Marketing Plan

Step 2. Launch your marketing plan

Get your marketing plan launched without the stress, hassle or guesswork. Right Rudder Marketing has you covered.

Flight School Owner Happy

Step 3. Get results

Grow and scale your flight school with a predictable plan and have a full scale digital marketing agency on your team to keep you on track.

Ideal Aviation Logo


Introducing Ideal Aviation. A flight school that relied on word of mouth and needed to take it to the next level.

We helped Ideal Aviation streamline their processes, understand what to do to reach their goals, and increased their revenue.

The Challenge

When the team at Ideal Aviation reached out to Right Rudder Marketing, they wanted to updated their WordPress website because it was clunky and slow. They were paying other agencies and service providers thousands of dollars but not getting the results they wanted.

What We Did

One of the services Ideal Aviation was paying thousands of dollars for was a quiz form that would generate leads for them. They embedded a link on their website to take their visitors to a webpage off their domain. While they were getting a few inquiries, the quiz was not catered to their needs as a flight school and was more of a general template for different industries. We coded up a custom sales funnel using the quiz idea which targeted people who had a specific interest in aviation and then streamlined form submissions directly to their CRM. We also completely redid their website to load fast and implemented SEO strategies so they can start ranking higher.

The Results

Ideal Aviation now ranks number one on the first page of Google Search and Google Maps. With their partnership at a local college, they welcomed 9 new students in the Fall 2023 semester to their fixed wing pilot training program generating more than an estimated $90,000 in future revenue.
Search Ranking for Ideal

Ideal Aviation now shows up as #1 on Google search and Google Maps.

Ideal Aviation is in the top three listings all across St. Louis.

Heatmap of Google Rankings for Ideal Aviation. Ideal Aviation is in the top three listings all across the entire St. Louis area.


"We have been using Right Rudder for the past 6 months and could not be happier! They revamped our website to make it more user friendly, makes consistent updates, and are very responsive to our needs. We have seen a steady increase in web traffic as well as website driven phone calls since starting with Right Rudder. I can not say enough good things about them!"

-Kim, Director of Administration Ideal Aviation

Fly with digital marketing experts that know the flight training industry.

We are a team of pilots that know the flight training industry. Because if your marketing team doesn't know what the pilot training experience is like, then how can they be successful for you? See what we're talking about by booking a call now!

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We are a rapidly expanding pilot owned digital marketing agency working exclusively with flight schools throughout the United States. We're on a mission to help 100 flight schools double their student body and dominate their service area by 2025.

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